Thursday, May 21, 2015

 Art Presentation

Getting ready for a art presentation in Harlemville, New York in July.  I plan to show my last 7 years of various art works, sharing some of my process, techniques, problems, and insights.  During my week stay will co=teach a Color Goethean block with Henrike at the Nature Institute.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Nature gives a new impulse

 Spending time in Nature gave a new impulse

This past fall (2014), the changing of the colors were very unusual.  In that, fall lasted longer and each day the colors became richer and richer.  

  I decided to spend at least 10 days at the same time each day, painting the landscape by the stream in the National park woods.  I would move each day and get a different view of the water.  During that time, my sensitivity became more intense through my senses. The land began to talk to me in a way that I could listen.  My dreams were richer in color and clearer as I woke, my sleep was more peaceful than it has been in a long time.....and morel